What we Believe

Fair Play

To us, fairness stands for treating people justly, and not letting your personal feelings bias your decisions about them. We strive to preserve a culture, which doesn’t have glass ceilings or hidden decision-making processes. A transparent culture where teams can thrive and get rewarded for the work they put in and the results they achieve.

When people don’t play by the rules, we act swiftly. At the same time, we reward individuals and teams who embrace our values.

Powerful Together

We believe that excellence is reached by effective team collaboration and ongoing, open feedback.

We are constantly curious to learn from each other. Understanding and hearing each others’ perspectives enables us to make the best decisions. We get inspired by each other to strive for higher standards and ultimately become a better version of ourselves.

You can rely on each other when facing difficult challenges. We encourage everyone to speak up, ask for help and bring up hard conversations. Most importantly, we put a lot of effort into hiring the right people who enjoy spending time with each other.

Players First

We work for the players. Understanding them at deeper levels than just demographics is crucial for our success.

We’re not player-led. We’re player informed. Ultimately we, and not our players, are responsible for making the right decisions for our games. We realize that what players want and what they need may often differ.

Players First